Do you ever have one of those days where someone posts a picture of you and you think oh man. That is how I really look?! Today was one of those days for me.
In 2006, I was having a really horrible year.. until I met Vince that is. But shortly after meeting Vince, I got kidney stones. At the doctor, they told me I was too thin and needed to gain weight. Since then, I have been gaining and gaining and gaining and now I am at point where I weigh 60 more pounds then this photo right here:
(Christmas 2006).
When I looked at this picture, I started to think about how from 2006- April 2010, I barely ever worked out and I ate pretty unhealthy. And yet, that is the thinest I have been.
Thanksgiving 2007
Summer 2008
Christmas 2009
April 2010.
I did manage to lose some weight right before my wedding, just in the nick of time for bridal shots and wedding photos:
But that didn't last very long. Soon it was after the wedding and although I did start exercising, I just kept gaining weight. The pics below are from 2011, 2012 and 2013.
I feel like I notice my weight gain more lately and I KNOW I have only myself to blame. I guess when I was younger, I didn't put to much thought into my looks and thought I would be thin forever. I feel stronger now in my body but a lot more self-concious. I have small victories of losing some weight, only to fall off the wagon and give into my true love, hot wings.
I know that this is the only body I have and I need to take better care of it. I just need to make a change and actually stick to it.
I think I want there to be that magic pill of ta-da, instathin but really, more than thin, I would just like to be at a healthy weight. I have completed so many races at this weight and accomplished more as a "bigger" person than I ever did when I was thin. But I know my workouts and energy level would vastly improve with a healthier body weight.
I forgot what my orginal point of posting this was, but I think it has something to do with not wanting to give up on being healthier, even when I feel discouraged.
Thanks for reading!