Saturday, January 12, 2013

You take the good, You take the bad.... 36 days till the marathon

(Pics from my long run Monday)

I just wrote this long post that I deleted where I basically just complained about my hip problems this week but even I am tired of hearing about it, so I know everyone else is. Despite having a good long run on Monday ( no blisters! 4th longest run ever!), I have only run 2x since then. Wednesday was a horrible treadmill run where I only did 3.54 miles. Today I tried (after taking two days off) to do a long run. But no go. However, I did go further ( 5.86 miles) and my hip did feel a lot better than Wednesday. As soon as I came home though, I just felt awful. My stomach was hurting during the morning, my throat feels like it's on fire, my body feels achy. I just hope I am not getting a cold.

But anyways, it's really easy for me to get worried about things. I was born worried I'm sure. Like Dorothy mentioned to me in run group, since I am new to marathon training and it's so close, I am hyper sensitive to everything. So in an attempt to keep things positive, I'm writing a list of things I am grateful for:

- I am grateful that I have made it over 6 months in marathon training without an injury.
- I am grateful that my books and syllabus for my Independent Study Class were approved!
- I am BEYOND grateful for run group. Although I don't go as often as I should anymore, everyone is always so nice and helpful to me! Thank you Erin, Dorothy, Rain, Mick, and Joe! ( And anyone else I forgot to mention!)
- I am grateful my husband just left to go to the store to get me some soup and medicine!
- I am grateful that my presentation was approved for work and that I get to go to Corpus Christi for 3 days next month!
- I am grateful that I only have 2 more mammoth long runs before Taper. I know people complain about taper, but lately training has been hard and I could use the break in intensity.
- I am grateful that I got to spend time with my baby sister. It had been over 3 years since I last saw her and she's so awesome. I love and miss her so much.
- I am grateful that for Christmas I got three new Nike shorts! I guess people know I'm a runner. :)
- I am grateful for my Senior Poetry Workshop class I am taking this semester. First time taking a senior level workshop class so I'm kinda nervous but excited as I know it helps me with my writers block a lot. 

And this isn't really a "I'm grateful for" but it is a "Damn it, I need some cheering up!" so... 
I'm registering us for the Cupid's Chase 5k today! We just missed the early bird price but it's still really cheap. Like I mentioned before, we did this race last year and it was great! It was also the last time I PR'd in a race. And you know... PR's always feel good! 

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