Monday, December 3, 2012

I fell off the training horse...

Man, so it has been almost a month since I have last blogged. Wow.
Catching Up:

My best friend got married!!!! Beautiful, Beautiful wedding!!
This is me trying not to cry at the ceremony!

I've had some scenic/interesting runs:

But mostly, school is kicking my butt:

Still trying to figure out books for my independent study next semester!

Vince and I also had our six-year anniversary (6 years together, 2 and a half married):

(One of our earliest pictures together, March 2007. So young!)

I've been in a kind of running slump but did reach 16.41 miles ( by longest yet!) Nov. 17th. Other long runs include a 10.50 mile run last week and a 11.60 mile run last week. Having a hard time reaching 17 miles, much less 20. I do though have only 9 days till the semester is over, so I am hoping things will get back to normal soon.

I miss run group. I have had a lot of homework and projects lately and have not been waking up early enough. I think not going to run group has negatively impacted my running as well. Seeing people run really helps motivate you on days you aren't feeling it. However, I have noticed that it seems like the holiday season has impacted other people's running as well. Maybe the holidays make you feel lazy? Or maybe it's the end of the year and you feel burned out? Or maybe I am just making excuses?

On the plus side, I have noticed that my legs feel fresher when I run as I haven't been running 4 times a week lately, more like 3 times. I also notice that my medium runs are now around the 8 mile range which makes me feel good. I no longer feel sore or really tired until after about 8 miles. I can tell my endurance is improving, but not so much my speed. Also, 8 miles is a far cry from 26.2 miles so perhaps I should not get so endurance cocky, lol. 

I am on week 22 of marathon training. ONLY 10 WEEKS TILL THE MARATHON!! HOLY CRAP!!! Just made that connection right now. Hopefully that will get me back on the training game!! 


  1. Don't freak out about your training. You've been doing really well and I think its safe to safe all of us get into a funk once in a while. I am in just such a funk right now; life gets in the way and its surprisingly easy for the wheels to fall off your training plan. Keep on trying and as long as you haven't been attached to the couch eating bob-bons (I know you haven't done that) you'll get the wheels back on without too many bruises.

  2. Well, I am glad I'm not the only one. :) I am in holiday mode and have definitely lost some motivation. It typically happens to me every year, but I'll snap out of it and so will you. Nothing wrong with a little downtime anyway! Good luck with finals! :)

  3. You deserve a break!! You've worked very hard and I'm sooo proud of you. I've been in a running slump too. Allergies, cold, not enough hours in the day. It'll get better! : )
