Friday, November 26, 2010

Wells Branch and I go long for the first time!!

Never fails. When i run with my husband, I ALWAYS run better. We usually try and run together at the same place, but we typically run our own pace.But about once a month, he runs with me. Now, I am pretty sure this is the FASTEST pace I have run all at once EVER( I have had faster pace, but it was intervals, where i did short speed workouts with lots of breaks) and it is also, the 2ND longest distance I have ever run!!! And actually, if you include the warm-up/cool downs, it is the longest mileage I have done all together( 10.25 miles) but in the interest of not being misleading, I am not counting warmup, cool down as a part of my run because in a real race it wouldnt count.
But yeah, this was really hard for me, I didnt feel like I had much left to give, especially since I didnt go to sleep until like 2.30 in the morning. Im really happy with this run because there was lots of times I felt like giving up, but I didnt!
Below are my splits, they are kinda weird because they include my warm-up, cool down, which is why the distance is a little different as well as the time:
Mile 1- ( including the 6 minute walking warm-up)- 14.59 minutes- 8.59 minutes to run .65 of a mile
Mile 2- 12.37 minutes
Mile 3- 12.25 minutes
Mile 4- 12.29 minutes
Mile 5- 11.45 minutes
Mile 6- 11.43 minutes
Mile 7- 10.53 minutes
Mile 8- 10.50 minutes
Mile 9- 10.28 minutes
Mile 10- 10.23 minutes- .75 miles running in 7 minutes, 23 sec- .25 mile cool down in 3 minutes walking( the last quarter mile of this was a part of my cool down, my cool down was a half a mile total, so the last quarter of this mile, plus an additional quarter mile)
Mile 10-10.25- remaining part of cool down- 3 minutes walking
Thank you for everyone who said my runs would get better and especially thank you to my husband for running with me!

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