Monday, July 9, 2012

Bringing Back the Running Blog with some Kinda Maybe Big News!!

This is a pic from my run at Lake Pflugerville today. I ran only 1.42 miles, but I followed it up with a .67 mile swim in the lake, so not that bad.
Anyways, today is the FIRST day of me and Vince training for the Austin Marathon in February. Now, before I get carried away, let me issue a big disclaimer-WE HAVE NOT YET REGISTERED FOR THE RACE. The major reason is because the race is $$$. Also, I am out of shape since my last half in November. Also, 26.2 miles is a lot. However, training for a marathon is not the same as doing a marathon or committing to do one. So, since the marathon is about 7 months away, we have been running for over 2 years, I think if we stay committed to a training schedule, I should be able to at least FINISH a marathon. So, while we are not a 100% sure we are doing this race ( I think when I pay for it, I will be 100% sure lol) I am going to start training till I make up my mind!  The Austin Marathon has a time limit of 7 hours, so I want to train for 6 hours and 30 minutes, to give me some breathing room for being tired and for bathroom breaks.
Is it weird to be excited for a training plan and not an actual race yet????


  1. Hi there, saw your link on DM and am happy to see you are writing about your training. I have not done a marathon yet, but have completed 3 half-marathons. I did not keep a strict training schedule for them, but I have been running regularly for over 5 years now. I have the Bryan-College Station half in Dec coming up, and probably will do the 3M again in January. I am not feeling ready for a full yet, but I am excited to read your progress.

  2. This makes me happy to read :) I say go for it! I can't wait to follow your training!

  3. Cristen-
    thanks for reading my blog! I am not 100% sure yet, as this would be my first, but still strongly thinking about it! I really liked 3M, it was my first half-marathon in 2011. 5 years regularly of running is pretty impressive, so if you have any tips or advice, I would really appreciate it!

  4. Erin-
    :)Your comment made ME happy to read! I hope we do decide to do it!
