Friday, July 13, 2012

Making goals

This week's workouts so far:

Monday- 1.42 miles at Lake Pflugerville
.64 open water swim
Tuesday- 1.57 miles- (early morning route)
Wednesday- 862 yd swim
Thursday- Rest day
Friday- 1.79 miles- treadmill
933 yd swim

So something I have noticed is that being a runner is a very goal centered endeavor. People want to run certain paces, certain races, certain distances, extc.
But for this marathon training process, I think I am going to keep it simple. I often have so much that I want to do that I feel I get nothing accomplished.
We are training for 7 months. That sounds like a long time, but I am very behind on my endurance and have never run more then 13.1 miles.
I think for right now, this is what I want to try and do:
1. Run four times a week ( 3 short- mid runs and 1 long run/ 4 short runs on easy weeks)
2. Swim three times a week
3. Core workout once/twice a week

Are these goals for right now too simple? I feel that the distance of 26.2 is so intimidating, that I don't want to freak myself out with more elaborate plans. Plus, I think goals, like many things in life, are fluid and flexible depending on where you are in your life.

More then anything, I struggle to do core work. But I think doing more core workouts might help me lost more weight, which would help me run faster. Well, that and not eating hot wings at midnight... sigh.

How successful and important are goals in running to you? I think it can matter more during times of training for a big race then during other times, but maybe that's just me.

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