Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Gaining Weight/Pictures

Do you ever have one of those days where someone posts a picture of you and you think oh man. That is how I really look?! Today was one of those days for me.
In 2006, I was having a really horrible year.. until I met Vince that is. But shortly after meeting Vince, I got kidney stones. At the doctor, they told me I was too thin and needed to gain weight. Since then, I have been gaining and gaining and gaining and now I am at point where I weigh 60 more pounds then this photo right here:
(Christmas 2006).
When I looked at this picture, I started to think about how from 2006- April 2010, I barely ever worked out and I ate pretty unhealthy. And yet, that is the thinest I have been.
Thanksgiving 2007
Summer 2008
Christmas 2009
April 2010.
I did manage to lose some weight right before my wedding, just in the nick of time for bridal shots and wedding photos:

But that didn't last very long. Soon it was after the wedding and although I did start exercising, I just kept gaining weight. The pics below are from 2011, 2012 and 2013.


I feel like I notice my weight gain more lately and I KNOW I have only myself to blame. I guess when I was younger, I didn't put to much thought into my looks and thought I would be thin forever. I feel stronger now in my body but a lot more self-concious. I have small victories of losing some weight, only to fall off the wagon and give into my true love, hot wings.
I know that this is the only body I have and I need to take better care of it. I just need to make a change and actually stick to it.
I think I want there to be that magic pill of ta-da, instathin but really, more than thin, I would just like to be at a healthy weight. I have completed so many races at this weight and accomplished more as a "bigger" person than I ever did when I was thin. But I know my workouts and energy level would vastly improve with a healthier body weight.
I forgot what my orginal point of posting this was, but I think it has something to do with not wanting to give up on being healthier, even when I feel discouraged.
Thanks for reading!


  1. mmm hot wings!!! Have you tried making your own hot wings using chicken breast strips? All the hot wing goodness without the grease and the guilt. I love Pluckers but I hate paying that much for chicken wings and I usually get heartburn.

    After I read about hot wings I had to go back and re-read your blog because I forgot everything else.

    I think you know it takes diet and exercise to see any significant changes. You have to burn at least as many calories as you consume.
    They say you cannot outrun a bad diet.

    Have you had a physical exam lately? For example, Thyroid issues can make it hard to lose or gain weight and they are more common than you might think (they are also easily treatable).

    We are all different shapes and sizes and more than anything I want to say I think you are a beautiful person. I enjoy seeing you and Vince at the workouts. My wish for you is that you are healthy but more importantly that you are happy.


  2. Hang in there, my friend. I, too, struggle with weight issues and sometimes they seem insurmountable. I'm at an age now that weight loss is a lot more difficult, but I continue to keep on keeping on. I encourage you to do that, also. As runners, we probably need to be thinner, but we'll get there. Just keep moving, my friend. Strong is the new thin.

  3. More than exercise, what you put in your mouth is what matters. I have been doing the weight loss thing for the last 12 weeks and have lost 16 pounds if you want to read about it on my blog... I think you look great though.

  4. I think you are awesome! Body image is such a hot topic to discuss because I’m positive every single person can relate to it and have had moments where they struggle with it. I was just having this conversation with some ladies at boot camp. I definitely think we are our own worst critics and see ourselves differently (and in a much harsher light) than others. Life is so much more than the reflection staring back at us in the mirror, and as soon as we realize that, we’ll be much happier! :)

  5. I agree with Erin. I think being healthy and exercising is way more important than what we look like or how much we weigh. But geez I have those days too, where I feel negative about myself. I think that as you get older you will care less and less about it, and be more comfortable in your own skin. At least that has been my experience.
    And if you do feel like you need to lose weight you just have to be dedicated in your diet. Which is something I struggle with too. I know how hard that is. Just tell Vince he needs to get some low fat dinners cooked for you :)
