It feels good to blog again. Some updates: I have still been running, although the new interval method I have been trying is HARD, also, I finally reached 6 miles not that long ago! Which made me really happy, BUT, the 10k race is in 44 days and I still have not run that .2 more. Also, I have only run that 6 miles one time.
I need to increase my long distances and get some practice in before the race because I know I will feel more comfortable with the distance if I do that.
But anyways, back to today. Me and the Brushy Creek Trail have had our differences in the past. Its a hard trail. But it's a good, scenic trail. Todays scenary included a snake! At any rate, I felt better at this run here then the last time I ran, I could feel some improvement. It wasn't as fast as a run as my last run on Tuesday, but it was .6 more, so that is something.
I feel like Im dragging in this blog. Probably cause Im hungry. I hope I can keep this running thing up. Im happy that today marks 4 months that we have been running. We (my husband and me have had a habit of starting running and stopping for the last 2 years, but we've never run as much or as dedicated as we have in these last 16 weeks) really like it, even when it is hard.
Here is a map of where I ran today:
John Bingham, a.k.a the Penguin, no longer writes for Runners World, he writes for the Competitor now, but long ago, he wrote this really inspiring piece called, " I am not a Jogger." For people like me, who often feel slow, it's pretty awesome.

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