This week marked less than 30 days till our 10k race. And for the most part, the week of ankle pain. I don't know what I did, but every time I have run this week, my right ankle has been hurting so bad. My pace has been horrible.
But on the good news, I was really happy that we were able to run in Georgetown. We haven't run there since we did the relay race in June. The park is really cool, and I actually got to run some of the same route as our very first race back in April. That was like a weird de ja vu. Also, this was one of the first times since like May where the temperature felt really perfect for running. We were sweating at the end, but it wasn't a typical August run where you feel like the heat is perpetually slapping you in the face. Also, this is one of the first weeks in a while where I have already run 3 times and still have plans to run at least once more. Im hoping by increasing the amount of times I run, I will get a stronger overall mileage base. Right now, for 20 weeks of running, I average approx. 9.53 miles a week.
This is a really cool blog I found the other day while looking around on, you guessed it, RUNNERS WORLD. Its called "Shut-up and Run." and I love how this woman writes about running. She has spunk, attitude and a strong writing voice. I wish I could make my blog this good.

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