Monday- Rest Day
Tuesday- 3.54 (Run Group- Hills)
1200 yd swim
Wednesday- Rest Day
Thursday-2.56 (Run Group- Track Time Mile +400's)
1. September was my best month ever of running!
I ran 99 miles- my most ever.
Last week I ran 25 miles- my most ever.
Anddddddd last week I ran a long run of 13.70 miles- my most ever!
So best month, best week and longest run! All in one month! Thank you kindly!
2. I saw this on facebook and as a doglover who knows other runners who read this blog are dog lovers, I thought it was worth sharing:
(I don't know if all this is true but still it's interesting.)
3. I know a lot of people love Boston and maybe it's because I am so slow that I could never even imagine going anywhere near Heartbreak Hill but for me, it's all about the New York Marathon. I love/am infatuated with New York City. The New York Marathon is also the first marathon I ever watched. I'm really looking forward to watching it online next month! 4. My hip has been giving me guff all week. I am fixin to throw it out the window and demand a refund. I am not sure where you can get a refund on right hips, but someone let me know!
5. I am going to be a bridesmaid next month (VERY EXCITED!!). The people told me that I was in between sizes and needed to lose 10 pounds to fit into my dress. However, when I got my dress and tried it on last week, it fit despite the fact that I gained weight. I think (logically) they were just wrong about the pounds but ( in imaginary land) I'm just going to say I got more muscular and go with it.
6. I'm about 80% sure we are going to do the Jameson 5k in Georgetown next November. I really hope so because it just does not get much better then a race that is only like a 5 min drive from your house. When I was reading the bio on Jaysn Jameson, it struck me how similar he is to my husband. Both attended Southwestern, run, and were science majors. It really is incredibly sad that he died at only 24 and I think the scholarship fund in his honor is a great idea.

7. For my Images of Women class, I am really happy that my professor approved my idea to do a presentation on She's Come Undone. It's one of my favorite books. I read it when I was 12, 18 and 25. If you haven't read it, you should! It's been out for 20 years so what are you waiting for?!
8. You know, I am grateful that we live so close to a park and so close to a running group. But I miss some of the old places we use to run at back when we lived in Round Rock. I know Round Rock isn't that far away, but its not the same. We use to live on a block that had a lot of traffic but the block was almost exactly 3.1 miles and had inclines and everything. It was the way I trained for my first 5k. Plus, we would run over by Old Settler's Park which I really liked. We had our wedding rehearsal under one of the Pavilion's there and we would take Eva there back when she was a puppy. And we use to go over by Wells Branch and run that tiny loop and by the houses and underneath that little road/dam thingy that had a mirror. Also, it was a lot closer to Lake Pflugerville which we use to go more too. I guess I'm just nostalgic.
9. I have been realizing I eat a lot, a lot, a lot of bread lately. I've always had a sweet tooth and liked bread stuff but lately it is just a carb crazy mess. I'll eat like cereal, bagels, tacos, pasta, just carbs,carbs,carbs. It tastes good at the time but then later I just feel so bloated. Do people crave carbs when they increase mileage? I know that's probably just an excuse and also that my mileage isn't that high, but with walking, running and swimming last week, I did almost 9 hours of cardio ( very slow cardio as it was like 9 hours for 31 miles but still). I don't know. At this point, maybe I just want to blame everything on marathon training lol as IM TRAINING FOR MY FIRST MARATHON!!! :)
( I feel like the girl who just got engaged. What's that you say? Oh yes, I am training for my first marathon and my body is sore all the time and I'm hungry and I STILL haven't even run 20 miles yet so imagine how pleasant I will be after I do that!)
10. Don't really have a 10th thing other then to say after last week's training- I am offically on Week #13 of training for the Austin Marathon with 19 more weeks to go after Sunday.
And I want to get this shirt:

Nice mileage last week!
ReplyDeleteI really like Shes Come Undone also, I have read it twice!