Tuesday, September 11, 2012

End of Week 9- Last Week in Review

(from YourAustinMarathon.com website)

Hey, did I mention I am training for this marathon?! :)
Last Week's Workouts:
Monday- 1531 yd swim
Tuesday- 5 miles (Run Group- Tempo/Hill)
Wednesday- 850 yd swim
Thursday- 3.87 miles (Run Group- 800's)
Friday- REST DAY
Saturday- 11.50 miles (San Gabriel Park)
Sunday-2 miles (Recovery Run)

So last week was so once again my longest weekly mileage. In fact, I ran more last week then I did the entire month of May! I started the first week of training at 11 miles and at week 9 am at 22 miles. I average about 15 miles of running a week. Far from the amount I need to have a good base for running, but it is going up. I want to increase volume slowly to prevent injuries.
Once again, for the second week in a row, I neglected to do core work. Sigh. So I am going to try and do better. My runs this week were a lot better then last week, which I am happy about.
The swim on Monday was the longest for me this year and I had one of my faster paced swims of the year for the other one.
I also signed up for the Country Road 10k which is this Saturday. The last time I did a 10k was in March, so I'm curious to see how I will do. My friend Erin mentioned this had a lot of hills, so I am going to keep that in mind when I think about my time goals for the race.
Also, we went to Rogue's Running in Cedar Park. I love that track indoor. Really cool. He got some new bright orange shoes!
Some photos from my long run. I ran from San Gabriel Park, through Rivery Park, up to Booty Trail and back some. I went out about 6.20 miles and came back about 5.30 miles:

Week #9 finished -23 more weeks till the Marathon- 28% done with training!


  1. Very smart to up your mileage slowly!
    Great job at getting in a lot of miles!

  2. You should check out Mick's group in Teravista on Fridays - they do a great core workout! I definitely understand that it's hard to fit in. My goal is always 2 core workouts a week, but I struggle to fit in one.

    Most of the hills for Saturday's race are on the front end (first half). And they are rolling...so nothing too steep, but still you'll feel them. Best of luck!!

  3. Rain-

    I know, I should probably go sometime. It took me a while to get up the gumption to go to run group though, so who knows how long it could be before I get that kind of courage lol! Do you have a favorite kind of hill workout yourself?
