Monday, September 3, 2012

Last Week- 25% done with marathon training!

The pics above are from my run on Sunday.
Workouts last week:
Monday- 1100 yd swim
Tuesday- 4.25 miles (group run- tempo run)
Wednesday- Rest Day
Thursday- 3.53 miles (group run- track workout)
1285 yd swim
Friday- Rest Day
Saturday- 4.76 miles (fartlek treadmill run)
Sunday- 6.06 miles (Lake Pflugerville run)

 The biggest thing about last week is we FINALLY REGISTERED FOR THE MARATHON! As far as workouts go, this was my recovery week, so I hoped to have 4 runs, 4 swims and 1 core workout. I got all four of my runs in but only two swims and no core workouts. I wish I would have got all my cross-training in but, I know that the most important thing is to get my runs in. Plus I was feeling really tired this week and knew I would benefit from some rest days. Towards the end of the week, I got more sleep and I woke up today feeling a lot better. I ate a lot better last week and really am enjoying my new classes for the semester. I'm kinda nervous about my upcoming long run this Sunday as the last one didn't go to well, but I think getting more sleep this week, eating better and not doing hard workout the day before should really make a difference. I hope everyone had a great labor day!

Week #8 of Marathon Training in the bag- 24 weeks left-25% done!!


  1. I'm so excited for you to run your first marathon :) You will love the Austin Marathon - scenic course with awesome crowd support.

    Keep up the good work!!

  2. Good job on your workouts this week! I bet that hot air balloon was really pretty!!!

  3. Erin- thanks! I am also really excited but nervous too. I was just telling Mick today I go back and forth between being nervous and being excited, lol.
    Rain- thanks! Seeing that hot air balloon was great. It was really pretty, I was sad when it left me. :(
