Friday, September 21, 2012

Five Things Friday

(This is a pic from the some of the stairs at school I ran up and down on today.)

Workouts so far this week:

Monday- REST DAY
Tuesday- 3.6 miles (Run Group- Tempo/Hills)
Wednesday- 900 yd swim
Thursday- 3.85 miles (Run Group- Track workout)
Friday- 2.48 miles (Texas State Campus)

So, normally I do a pretty regular post called Ten Things Thursday but I was really busy yesterday and so I am shortening it to five things and posting it today.

1. My runs this week have been good. I really enjoyed my track workout Thursday morning especially. For the workout, we ran the straights and recovered on the curves. I was worried I wouldn't be able to hang, but I think I did alright.

2. Right now I am reading Heart of Darkness for my World Lit class. I feel like it was a lot more enjoyable when I read in high school for some reason.

3.  It's starting to get to the point with the weather where I'm not sure when I'm running if I'm wearing the right clothes. I prefer to wear tank tops for as long as possible but I HATE being cold. However, I also tend to overdress. When it is really cold, I can be seen wearing a shirt, long sleeve shirt, thin jacket and thick jacket. Kinda of overkill.

4.  Lately I have been noticing that not just in my running life but at work, I have a lot of really encouraging people who want to help me learn that are just so supportive. It's really awesome because I have had jobs in the past that weren't nearly so enjoyable to work at.

5. I have my first long run in two weeks this Sunday. I hope it goes well!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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